Sometimes with gestational diabetes it's necessary for the baby to have formula and we want to ease your mind about that.
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Episode 15 - Formula-fed is always better than not fed
Breastfeeding isn't always an option, not to mention it's a ton of pressure, so expert formula technician, Mallory Whitmore, came on to inform us about formula feeding.
Specifically, Mallory addresses how some GD babies require formula to raise their blood sugars if they have issues after birth.
If you're scared about formula feeding for any reason, undecided, feeling pressured, or don't know enough about it, Mallory gives great information to support and help moms make the decisions best for you and your baby.
And like all our expert guests, Mallory dispels a few MYTHS as well!
What We Talked About
- 2:02 - Mallory's introduction
- 4:33 - The mission of The Formula Mom - helping moms breastfeed without the shame
- 6:03 - Mallory's experience with gestational diabetes
- 12:45 - Why some GD babies need formula immediately after birth
- 16:58 - The link between postpartum depression and the pressure to breastfeed
- 18:11 - Top myths about formula feeding
- 24:30 - Common questions about formula feeding
- 29:15 - Lactose intolerance in babies
- 31:00 - How to know if your baby is reacting to the formula
- 34:34 - How to look past the marketing of different brands
Find Mallory
-- Mallory's Instagram - @TheFormulaMom
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